Russia criticizes the appointments of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas

Russia criticizes the appointments of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas
Russia criticizes the appointments of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas

These are two appointments that Moscow is having a hard time accepting. EU leaders agreed at a summit on Thursday to give Ursula von der Leyen a second term as Commission chief and hand over EU diplomacy to a strong voice on Ukraine, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

« is not in favor of normalizing relations between the European Union and Russia “, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. Kaja Kallas is ” known “, she, for her ” completely implacable, sometimes even violent Russophobic statements ” he accused.

« This is why we do not believe that European diplomacy can act in any way to normalize relations ” added the spokesperson.

Before concluding : ” The prospects for relations between Moscow and Brussels are therefore poor ».

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Nominations submitted to vote

In office since the end of 2019, Ursula von der Leyen was reappointed Thursday, during a summit of EU leaders in Brussels, for a second term at the head of the European Commission. His renewal will still have to be confirmed by an absolute majority of MEPs. Especially since the outcome of this vote, expected in mid-July, is uncertain. And for good reason, the usual coalition of conservative, socialist and liberal MEPs was weakened after the June election.

To embody the face of EU diplomacy, the heads of state and government chose Kaja Kallas, an outspoken opponent of the Kremlin and who will succeed the Spaniard Josep Borrell. “ This is a huge responsibility in these times of geopolitical tensions, with the war in Europe and the growing instability in our neighbourhood as the main challenges. “, reacted the Estonian Prime Minister, whose position will also have to be validated by the MEPs. Kaja Kallas understands the risks coming from Russia and Belarus “, said Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Finally, former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa was appointed new President of the European Council, the body that brings together the Member States. A year after his resignation over a corruption case that was ultimately poorly substantiated, this socialist, known for his skillful tactics and pragmatism, will succeed Belgian Charles Michel in December.

These three candidates were the clear favourites following the agreement reached on Tuesday between six European leaders – including France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz – belonging to the ” grande coalition » right/social democrats/centrists, in the wake of the European elections.

Among other key EU posts, Maltese conservative Roberta Metsola appears to be the favourite to win a second two-and-a-half-year term as president of the European Parliament in Strasbourg in mid-July.

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The deal on key EU posts was quickly concluded. However, it met with strong resistance from Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and Hungary’s Viktor Orban. The latter on Thursday denounced an arrangement that ” ashamed “. « European voters have been misled. (The traditional right) has formed a coalition of lies with the left and the liberals ” he had exclaimed when he reached the summit.

The head of the ultraconservative Italian government, Giorgia Meloni, for her part denounced a “ oligarchy »deploring having been left out of the negotiations between the three political groups. Many leaders had nevertheless shown themselves anxious to spare her: if her support was not necessary, unanimity not being required, politically her voice counts. I think there was a broad consensus, and I am sure that a path will be (found) subsequently: I totally respect the position of Giorgia Meloni who represents an important country », Underlined Emmanuel Macron.

Like Viktor Orban, Giorgia Meloni intends to have more influence on the choices of the future executive in Brussels, following the surge of the radical and extreme right during the European elections this month. The Italian leader’s ECR group took third place from the centrist family of French President Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament. Rome claims “ au minimum » a vice-presidency of the European Commission, with a ” portfolio important » to influence industrial and agricultural policy, according to his Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani.

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Macron wants to reappoint Thierry Breton

President Emmanuel Macron wants Thierry Breton to be reappointed as a French member of the European Commission and announced this at a meeting of his liberal allies in Brussels on Thursday ahead of a summit of the Twenty-Seven, according to European sources. At a press briefing after the European summit, Macron explained that the French commissioner’s proposal would come later. Formally, France will propose a new Commissioner to the President of the Commission in due course. “, he said.

Questioned about Thierry Breton, he however took care to emphasize that he had “ experience and qualities for “. Since 2019, Thierry Breton has held the position of Commissioner for the Internal Market, a vast portfolio that includes digital and industry. He has established himself as a figure in the Brussels executive by tackling the abuses of power of the tech giants. Each EU country is asked to propose its choice for one of the 27 positions within the executive.

Marine Le Pen contested this Friday Emmanuel Macron’s choice to reappoint Thierry Breton, continuing her standoff started with the Elysée over the Prime Minister’s prerogatives in the event of cohabitation. “It is the prerogative of the Prime Minister to appoint the European Commissioner(…) It is obvious that Mr. Breton did not defend the interests of France during his mandate “, she declared on Europe1/Cnews, making the reading of the Constitution an interpretation contrary to that of the President of the Republic.

(With AFP)



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