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Ginette, Marceline and Simone –

On the occasion of the anniversary of the 80th anniversary of the release of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, “1:15 pm on Sunday” presents “Ginette, Marceline and Simone” a documentary series in 4 episodes signed Aude Rouaux, Benjamine Jeunehme and Gaël Pouvreau .

On April 13, 1944, convoy n ° 71 left station. High up in cattle wagons, 1,500 Jewish men, women and children are deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Almost all of them are murdered upon arrival. Only 165 men and 91 women escape the gas chamber to be subject to forced labor.

Among them, Ginette Kolinka (née Cherkasky), 19, Marceline Loridan (née Rozenberg), 15, and Simone Veil (née Jacob), 16. Three teenage girls, with very different personalities, who, in concentrationary hell, support each other, make themselves laugh, protect themselves. They establish an unwavering friendship in which they draw the strength to stay alive.


Revenue from the unspeakable, the “Birkenau girls”, as they are nicknamed, will cross the century. Together.


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