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Army. Korean lobster launchers in Poland. They will connect them with Jelcz

“Another 18 modules lobster launchers Already in Poland ” – announced the Minister of National Defense in social media. In the entry he announced that before the equipment was assigned to specific units of the Polish Army, he would undergo the process of integration with the chassis Polish vehicles Jelcz. The connection will be carried out in Steel Wola.

Polish army. Homar-K launchers went to Poland before the date

Treasury – Armaments Agency concluded two contracting agreements with the Korean entity Hanwha Aerospace Co. Ltd. The first was signed on November 4, 2022 and concerned the acquisition of 218 multi -coillery rocket launchers and their integration with the Jelcz chassis together with logistics and training packages and a supply of ammunition. Its cost was $ 3.55 billion.

On April 25, 2024, a second contract was concluded, which concerned 290 Homar-K launcher modules. The assumption of the agreement is also to be, among others Technology transfer covering the service of modules and the production of spare parts in Poland and the establishment of industrial potential in the field of further production of the launcher. Delivery dates were scheduled for 2026-2029. The contract was amounted to approx. $ 1.6 billion.


Lobary-K systems are based on South Korean multiple rocket launchers (K239 Chunmoo)which have been adapted to the needs Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. They are capable of firing several types of targeted missiles. The launcher has two rocket storage tanks that contain two types of rockets. Each of them houses six -guided 239 mm rockets with a range of 80 km or one tactical 607 mm tactical rocket with a range of 290 km.

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