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Yoann Riou bursts in sob in “Beijing Express” on M6

The sports commentator, who was the mystery passenger of this second episode of the adventure show, experienced strong emotions during the experience.

This is an experience he will remember for a long time. This Thursday, January 23, Yoann Riou participated in the second episode of season 20 of “Beijing Express” on M6 as a mystery passenger and he experienced strong emotions.

The sports commentator had already participated in the program in 2022 in the special celebrity season where he formed the pair of unknown with Xavier Domergue. It was therefore quite natural that he accepted the proposal for production to return to the program as a mystery passenger.

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This rule, which had already been set up a few years ago, invites a personality to join a pair and take control of the group throughout the duration of an episode by hitchhiking and looking for a home. Yoann Riou integrated the team formed by Enzo and Otis. The duo had lost the final duel at the end of the first episode but had the chance that the stage was ultimately non -eliminatory.

When he sees Yoann Riou, Enzo, football fan arriving, is delighted. The trio begins a 12 -kilometer long trek by wearing a bell and the sports journalist, to give the enthusiasm to his comrades, begins to comment on the ascent as he would for a football match allowing the group to immediately create a strong link.

“From the handshake, as soon as I arrived I liked you,” says Yoann Riou. There is a passing feeling and good vibrations because I have enormous respect for these boys who behave very well who are adorable, attentive. And there, it's just happiness, sharing, conviviality is not nothing ”.
For them, the journalist is struggling and actively looking for cars. In the evening, it is also the initiative to find accommodation.

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“Someone with a gold heart”

The next day, he does everything to find vehicles. “I don't want them to be eliminated and they have one more end duel”he explains. A will that affects candidates. “He will always fight and believe it when we ourselves, sometimes, we no longer believe it”Admet Enzo.
Unfortunately, they are the last race. If they finally find a car, Yoann cracks in the car while inzo thanks him: “It's beautiful that someone we don't even know does everything you do for us. It's stratospheric, it touches me a lot ”Confess the young man. Yoann Riou then bursts in sob and can no longer stop his tears. “I feel devastated, I am sad. We did the best, we fought body and soul. But it is a disappointment because I tell myself that I failed in my mission and I am very sad for them ”then explains the journalist facing the camera.

“It's a celebrity, often we tell ourselves that they are unattainable people. It's not people we were going to rub shoulders but, in fact, we realize that he is just someone with a gold heart. He will always fight. It is a superb human. It is sublime what we could live thanks to him. Our whole life we ​​will remember ”declare Enzo and Otis.

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In an interview devoted to «Buzz »Yoann Riou returned to his tears in “Beijing Express”. “The tears arrive because inzo is very happy to meet what we have already experienced, I am upset by Enzo so we cry but because, too, we get naked”.
“It's a program like” Dance with the Stars “, two programs are very comparable, you can't lie. (…) You are so under stress, it's going so fast, you are so under pressure, there is so much to do that your character comes back (…) You can not be anything other than what you are “.

“It's a moving moment because I started television in 2016 and I think that in nine years it is the first time when really (…) I have let go. I really cried. Already, I was happy, released and, when you cry, you are released. It is a mix of emotion, fatigue, happiness. You are in a bubble “explains the one who admits to being very sensitive and cry all the time in life. He also confesses “I never watch myself on TV but tonight I'm going to watch me (…) because in addition I love the other nine pairs”.

Despite all the efforts of the sports commentator, the trio ends in the last position of the stage. They choose Patricia and Adrien to face them in the final duel. But Otis, who left for this challenge, finally bowed to Adrien. With Enzo, they therefore leave the show at the end of this second episode.



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