Today, Meta announced the addition of the WhatsApp application to the list of supported applications in the Accounts Center, which allows users to manage their logins on the Facebook, Instagram, and MetaQuest platforms from one place.
The announcement gives users the ability to re-share statuses and posts across all platforms linked to the Accounts Center, in addition to providing a single sign-on feature that makes it easy to regain access to the WhatsApp account quickly and easily.
Although Meta announced the update today, the company confirmed that WhatsApp support in the Accounts Center may take some time before it is available to everyone. She called on users to be patient until the feature is widely activated.
Along with this move, Meta pledged to add new features that support integration between apps, such as AI-powered stickers, avatars, and AI-generated selfie technologies.
-As for user privacy, Meta confirmed that these updates will not affect in any way the end-to-end encryption that WhatsApp features, ensuring that messages remain protected and secure.
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