DayFR Euro

Weather condition in Gharbia today, Monday, January 20, 2025.. Very cold at night

Today, Monday, January 20, 2025, Gharbia Governorate is witnessing moderate weather during the daytime hours, turning to very cold at night.

It is expected that dense water mist will form early in the morning on agricultural and highway roads near bodies of water, which may lead to a decrease in horizontal visibility.

Expected temperatures


Tanta: High 22 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.
Mahalla al-Kubra: high 20 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.
Kafr El-Zayat: Highest 19 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.
Zefta: maximum 20 degrees Celsius, minimum 10 degrees Celsius.
Basyoun: High 19 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.
Samannoud: high 20 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.
Qatour: High 20 degrees Celsius, low 10 degrees Celsius.
Acacia: high 20 degrees Celsius, low 11 degrees Celsius.



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