It is 9 a.m. this Friday, January 3, 2025. The day after the launch of “Bigdil” on RMC Story, the boss of the channel, Stéphane Sallé de Chou, rushes to the audiences published by Médiamétrie. And don't delay in exulting! Twenty years after its disappearance, the cult game triumphs for its big return on the air with 1.8 million viewers. A score well beyond the dreams of the broadcaster, who was playing very big on this one.
The manager immediately wants to share the excellent news with Vincent Lagaf'. Phone call to Cavalaire-sur-Mer, his stronghold in Var. His cell phone is cut off, the 65-year-old host is sleeping and not because he doesn't care. The “Bigdil” star actually didn’t sleep a wink all night. “I thought about it. I was nervous,” admits the anxious man, who finally fell asleep after 5 a.m.
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