DayFR Euro

Funny BC is not the work of Galípolo –

The Central Bank meme video that joked about the Pix crisis came to scare even the economist and former BBB Gil do Vigor and, with the inauguration of the institution's new president, Gabriel Galípolo, the public began to think it was an idea of the new management. But the “descer pra BC”, in reference to the hit “Descer pra BC”, by the country duo Brenno and Matheus, was just one of the pieces that seek to bring dry themes of the economy closer to internet users.

A BC team, which is not part of the press office, is responsible for the bank's image on social media. On Instagram, they use memes and hot topics from digital culture to gain engagement. And it's been a while. With Pix news flooding the networks, “we will go down to BC” received 61 thousand likes in the last two days. Posts with a more serious tone have between 500 and 8 thousand likes.

In the search for visibility, there was also a meme with Fernanda Torres receiving the Golden Globe and the use of cartoon characters. The Central Bank even has a character, BCSincero, who, on Black Friday, pulled customers' ears: “Speak up, my R$1.99 buyers, lovers of rubbish of dubious origin”, begins BCSincero in the video, with humor and animation references.


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