François Bayrou has not yet provided France with a budget. But he has just survived his first motion of censure, an essential prerequisite for continuing his lease in Matignon. Certainly, there was not much suspense since the RN had announced that it would not vote for it. Still. Thanks to this offensive initiated by the Rebels, the Prime Minister above all succeeded in fracturing the NFP, revealing, in the process, a quality that his predecessor Michel Barnier had not shown: that of being a fine and cunning negotiator.
Indeed, if Olivier Faure's Socialist Party chose not to censor the Prime Minister, it is because, in their negotiations, the Béarnais made numerous concessions. Gestures that he took care to put in writing in a letter that, as a good tactician, he sent to the socialist leaders an hour before the examination of this motion of censure. However, “surprise”, this list of measures turns out to be much more substantial than his general policy speech. Indeed, while he had already signed the renegotiation of the pension reform and renounced the elimination of 4,000 positions in National Education, he added the reduction in electricity prices, the creation of 2,000 positions assistants to students suffering from disabilities, a billion more for the hospital and ruled out any dereimbursement of medicines and medical consultations.
“What a ridiculous justification”
Decisive progress for the PS, as Olivier Faure underlined from the Assembly platform: “Our negotiations made it possible to move the lines. 12,000 nursing and hospital staff positions created or maintained, no increase from one to three days of waiting time in the civil service, no reduction in the overseas budget, the extension of the zero-interest loan for new housing and throughout the territory, the most insolent heritage will be taxed again…”
“We refused the policy of the worst”
Still, this choice not to censor the government raises the question of the future of the NFP. Addressing François Bayrou from the podium of the Assembly, Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of France Insoumise, also took aim at the socialists: “Some, in this hemicycle, although elected to put an end to macronism, are preparing to save your government and serve as a crutch for the continuity of its policies. » And continues: “They claim that you have to wait a few days or a few weeks. What a ridiculous justification. We know everything about the political orientations of this government. Do you think the country can afford the luxury of your procrastination? Everyone therefore faces their responsibilities and their loyalty to the commitments made to the people. » This is called a charge of treason.
-“The PS capitulates alone”
An attack to which Olivier Faure responded: “We refused the policy of the worst. » Under these conditions, we do not see how the PS and LFI could continue together knowing that the arrows of Manuel Bompard came after those, just as poisoned, of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had already accused them of “forfeiture” and “servility “. This Thursday, he hit the nail on the head: “The PS fractures the NFP. But he capitulates alone. The other three groups vote for censure. We continue the fight. »
In fact, the ecologists and the communists having voted for censorship with LFI, the PS therefore finds itself isolated within the NFP. And the rest promises to be difficult, because the Rebels do not intend to deviate from their strategy: to campaign, morning, noon and evening, for the resignation of Emmanuel Macron. What Manuel Bompard did not hide this Thursday. In his flood of criticism addressed to François Bayrou, he also took the sword against the head of state: “The days of your unlucky government are numbered, when it falls, the monarch will follow. » And added: “It is the President of the Republic who is sowing chaos. Only his departure and the return to the polls will allow the country to get out of the impasse. » However, the Socialist Party refuses to play this institutional crisis card.
With this motion of censure largely rejected – only 131 votes, including eight PS – the Insoumis now consider that the socialists are on the side of the Macronists, according to the principle that those who are not with you are against you. However, Olivier Faure recalled: “There is no non-censorship agreement, and censorship is possible at any time. » If the next few weeks promise to be turbulent on the left, François Bayrou can turn to the preparation of the budget, the moment of truth.
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