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François Bayrou escapes censorship and accuses LFI of “choosing internal war”

“Another path is emerging,” judged François Bayrou, after having obtained a fragile alliance with the Socialist Party, which threatened to pass a motion of censure against his government. As it has done regularly since 2022, the National Assembly examined Thursday, in a sparse hemicycle, the first motion of censure tabled against the Bayrou government, at the initiative of the rebels, joined by environmentalists and communists. This was ultimately rejected

Even if it does not fall this Thursday, the days of the government, in place since Christmas, are “numbered”, affirmed the coordinator of La insoumise, Manuel Bompard. “When he falls, the monarch (Emmanuel Macron) will follow,” he said, also criticizing the “irresponsibility” of the socialists in not joining the LFI motion. In a brief response, François Bayrou accused Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party of “choosing internecine war” between French people and of wanting “confrontation to be the law”. But “another path emerges, with difficulty, after a lot of work, discussions, negotiations,” assured the Prime Minister.

“Censorship remains possible at any time”

A few minutes before the opening of the debate, and after a long hesitation, the PS confirmed that it would not censure the executive. “We do not, however, place our trust in you. But we have chosen not to practice the policy of the worst, recognized from the podium the first secretary of the party, Olivier Faure. However, censorship remains possible at any time. »

“The PS fractures the NFP. But he capitulates alone. The other three groups vote for censure. We continue the fight,” reacted Jean-Luc Mélenchon on X. Environmentalists and LFI believe that the “rules of the game are rigged” on the renegotiation of pension reform, even with François Bayrou's commitment to refer pensions to Parliament in the event of only partial agreement between the social partners.

General rehearsal before the budget vote

Concessions mocked by Sébastien Chenu, of the National Rally group, who however did not wish to join the motion of censure. For him, the Socialist Party, “like an indigenous tribe”, allowed itself to be “coaxed with tinsel”, making the examination of the motion “sterile”. “We are not threatening you with anything, but we are expecting you to take action,” he told the Prime Minister.

All our articles on François Bayrou

Lacking any real prospect of bringing down the government, this Thursday's vote was above all a rehearsal before the decisive deadlines for the State and Social Security budgets, with the possibility of resorting to 49.3 and therefore, in return, of new motions of censure.


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