Marjane Satrapi has an iron will. Monday January 13, the Franco-Iranian shared a letter on her Instagram account addressed to the Minister of Culture Rachida Data. The artist expresses his refusal to receive the Legion of Honor. In a video posted shortly after, the designer explains the reasons which pushed her to make this radical decision.
“This gesture is a mark of solidarity with the Iranians, especially with women and with Iranian youth, but also with my French compatriots held hostage in Iran,” declares Marjane Satrapi on camera. While young freedom-loving Iranians, dissidents and artists are refused visas, the children of Iranian oligarchs wander around Paris and Saint-Tropez without this posing any problem. […] Supporting the women's revolution in Iran cannot be reduced to photos with victims or celebrities during commemorations of the death of Mahsa Amini. » The artist thus denounces in her letter France's attitude towards Iran, which she describes as “hypocritical”. “The Iranians do not need communication, we need concrete actions,” says the designer. The refusal of the Legion of Honor is in no way an action or a thought against France. I deeply love this country of mine. » She concludes simply: “I will be honored when all the defenders of freedom are at my side. »
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-Arriving in France in 1994 and naturalized in 2006, Marjane Satrapi was promoted to the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor in July 2024. She was to be decorated this month. In his comic strip Persepolispublished in several volumes between 2000 and 2003, the designer recounts her childhood in Iran in the 1980s and provides historical testimony on the Islamic revolution. Persepolis had been widely acclaimed by critics, translated into several languages and had won numerous literary prizes. In 2007, the comic strip was even adapted for the cinema by Marjane Satrapi herself and Vincent Paronnaud. The feature film then won two Césars (best first film and best adaptation). In 2023, the Franco-Iranian artist published woman life freedoma comic strip that traces the story of Mahsa Amini.
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