By beating Gris Bordeaux this Sunday, Zarco sees his path to the tenors being marked out. The Grand Yoff wrestler is now spoiled for choice for his next opponent.
He is arguably the best wrestler of the last five years. Statistically, Zarco has been by far the wrestler with the best performances for a few years now. The former resident of the Rock Énergie team has swept aside all the opponents he has faced since his “comeback” in 2022 after taking five sabbatical years to go into exile in Spain.
Back with a completely different face, Zarco in fact beat Mbaye Gouy Gui, Baye Mandione, Ada Fass, Diène Kairé, Niang bu Ndaw and Gris Bordeaux in turn. This latest feat from the Grand Yoff volcano put a point of honor on the record of a wrestler who is now at the VIP table with a record of 12 victories.
A revenge against Sa Thiès or a duel of behemoths against Sène?
No Top 10 wrestler can objectively refuse to face Zarco anymore. He is even spoiled for choice because in addition to being a great champion, he is a showman who knows how to sell his posters. There is no doubt then that it will be very popular with promoters who will very quickly look for a place opposite it. Zarco can precisely claim his revenge against Sa Thiès who beat him in 2011. While he continues to run behind Modou Lô to obtain a royal fight, the brother of Balla Gaye can turn to Zarco while waiting for the king to at his disposal. Which would give rise to an epic fight because even if he did not have the expected result in his last fight, the son of Double Less remains a formidable opponent who has finished proving himself in the arena.
-The Gris Bordeaux striker can also challenge Eumeu Séne who still has no opponent for this season. Tay Shinger said he was open to duels against young wrestlers. After having faced practically all the VIPs and crossing swords twice with Bombardier, Balla Gaye, Modou Lô and Gris Bordeaux, Eumeu Séne can be tempted by an unprecedented confrontation with Zarco.
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