The door opens, quite unexpectedly. While pension reform came back on the table during discussions between part of the New Popular Front and the government of François Bayrou on the budget, the subject was divided in the presidential camp. Already on the perch during the very heated debates of winter 2023, Yaël Braun-Pivet now says she is “not opposed” to “re-discussing” the reform.
And even, a crucial point for the left, to “stop” the reform in progress during these new discussions. A concession that the right and part of the government refused en bloc, even though the PS made it a condition of non-censorship. “A very simple word: suspension,” said the boss of the PS on BFMTV, when asked about the word he expects from the Prime Minister during his general policy declaration. “As it stands, indeed, we would censor, but my personal wish and that of the socialists is not to seek to censor for the sake of censoring,” he clarified.
“What suits me is that we talk again. Afterwards, if we have to stop to discuss again with a very short discussion cycle, I am not opposed to it in principle, but what I want in these cases is that we really agree on really put things on the table during these six months of discussion and that we all commit to really discussing,” she said, invited by Political issues on France Inter.
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