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After the separation, now the love comeback with Missy

Presented in the Vox documentary soap “Where love falls”. Gina-Lisa Lohfink (38) meets her new love La Missy for the first time. The two had long since separated again. Now Gina-Lisa and Missy have apparently reconciled and are a couple again.

Love crisis on and separation from La Missy

The end of love a few months ago came suddenly. Gina-Lisa was disappointed in an interview with “Blitzlichtgewitter”: “You always have to take good care of yourself. I’m too nice, too warm. Sometimes I don’t know what intentions people have for me, usually not good ones.” A tip towards Missy, who didn’t want to put up with this accusation and wrote on Instagram: “It doesn’t bother me to be the bad guy in your story be. Because you are the clown in mine.” Missy didn’t mention Gina-Lisa’s name, but the connection was pretty clear.

What exactly led to the separation was not known at the time. But in “Where Love Falls” there are already signs of a love crisis. Gina-Lisa wants more compliments and attention, while Missy feels like Gina-Lisa is portraying her poorly. “I just want to feel like I’ve arrived. I want love and I just want affection,” says Gina-Lisa in tears. Missy counters: “Then you have to behave accordingly.” We will probably see in another episode of “Where Love Falls” whether this crisis also led to the end of love.

Missy posted a video with Gina-Lisa.Screenshot


Gina-Lisa beams as Missy films her.Screenshot

Gina-Lisa Lohfink is happy again

But based on Gina-Lisa and Missy’s Instagram stories, it can be seen that the two are together again after filming. Both of them posted several videos from a visit to a children’s play paradise where they had quite a lot of fun together. Gina-Lisa appears detached and happy as she and Missy race through the hall on a few bumper cars and laugh loudly.

Missy linked Gina-Lisa on the videos and added a red heart to the link. It couldn’t be clearer! Hopefully Gina-Lisa and Missy’s second attempt will work. ■


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