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From FDP to GLP – This is how the parties react to the change of National Councilor Jauslin – News

  • The Aargau National Councilor Matthias Samuel Jauslin is moving from the FPD to the GLP.
  • Jauslin says his decision matured over a long period of time.
  • The GLP is happy, the FDP is not surprised.
  • Jauslin is an entrepreneur and has been a member of the FDP National Council since 2015.

He places community spirit, i.e. the common good, at the center of his political work. Jauslin explains the change by saying that community spirit is a central factor for Switzerland’s cohesion. He informed his party colleagues about the change in writing.

Disagree on environmental issues

For him, the environment, climate, spatial planning and renewable energies are not fashionable topics, writes Jauslin. From his point of view, they should not be located on the left-right axis, but should be tackled progressively. He no longer sees the willingness to do this in the FDP.

Matthias Jauslin: Career, family and politics

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Keystone/Gaetan Bally

Matthias Jauslin is 62 years old. He is from Wohlen AG, is married, has three children and runs and owns an electrical installation company in Wohlen. The company has over 30 employees.

Among other things, he is on the board of trustees of the Swiss Landscape Protection Foundation.

Jauslin has been in the National Council since 2015. From 2009 to 2015 he was in the Grand Council, the cantonal parliament. From 1998 to 2006 he was on the residents’ council of the municipality of Wohlen, and from 2006 to 2013 on the local council.

«I always had a clear stance on these issues. But the FPD no longer puts them as far forward. That no longer corresponds to my personal attitude,” Jauslin told SRF.

I have to find other ways to represent my positions.

Matthias Jauslin was a member of the Environmental Commission. “It became clear there that the FDP no longer wanted me on the commission. “That’s why I have to look for other ways to represent my positions,” Jauslin continued.

After the elections, he hoped that things could continue as he wanted. After the holidays he decided to take this step. So far he has only received positive feedback.

GLP is happy, FDP is not surprised

The GLP is pleased about the 62-year-old joining, she said. “We share the same attitudes and values,” says group leader Corina Gredig, explaining her joy. Party president Jürg Grossen adds: “As a progressive entrepreneur and long-time energy and transport politician, Matthias Jauslin fits in well with us.”

FDP party president Thierry Burkart is not surprised by the move of Aargau National Councilor Matthias Samuel Jauslin to the GLP. In recent years, Jauslin has often voted differently than the majority of the FDP parliamentary group, he said. That’s why there won’t be much change in the strength ratio in the large chamber, he told the Keystone-SDA news agency.

According to his own statement, Burkart would have welcomed it if Jauslin had changed parties before the federal elections in autumn 2023.

Not the first change

Matthias Jauslin is not the first National Councilor to change parties during a legislative period. In 2001, the Aargau FDP National Councilor Luzi Stamm joined the SVP, and in 2011 Thomas Müller (SG) moved from the CVP (today: Die Mitte) to the SVP. In spring 2019, Daniel Frei (ZH) moved to GLP.


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