LFamily allowances are being increased. Since 1is January, the resource ceilings necessary to qualify for this aid were revalued, to correspond to the average annual change in consumer prices excluding tobacco for the reference calendar year. A decree to this effect was published on December 20 in the Official Journal.
The amount of this allowance paid monthly by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) or the Mutualité sociale agricole (CMSA) funds varies depending on the number of dependent children (at least 2 under 20 years old) and income of the home. “It is the categorical net income of 2024 which will be taken into account for 2025, that is to say all income (wages, land and movable income, agricultural profits, etc.) reduced by expenses (alimony , reception costs for the elderly, etc.) and tax reductions (person aged over 65, disabled person, etc.),” specifies the public service website.
ALSO READ Creating a family allowance for the first child, what a great idea! According to the new terms, applicable until March 31, 2025, a household with two dependent children, whose resources are less than or equal to 74,966 euros per year will be able to receive 148.52 euros per month, for the full rate allowance. . For a resource ceiling of less than 99,922 euros, the amount of the allowance amounts to 74.26 euros. In the latter case, with a ceiling higher than 99,922 euros, the allocation will be 37.14 euros.
More than 300 euros per month for 3 dependent children
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For larger families, the ceiling is logically increased. For the first tranche, a household of three children must receive a minimum of 81,212 euros to receive 338.80 euros per month. The ceiling is raised to 106,168 euros for tranche 2, and thus receive 169.40 euros per month. Beyond that, the amount paid is 84.71 euros. Payments are increased per additional child, depending on income. Finally, when the child reaches the age of 14, a monthly increase from the calendar month following his or her birthday is paid.
Family allowances can be paid from the first child in the overseas departments, and from the month following the birth or reception of a second child in mainland France.
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