DayFR Euro

A Familiar Pattern of Destruction By Kofi Thompson

The recent spate of market fires in Ghana’s urban centers is a stark reminder of the country’s vulnerability to arson and the devastating consequences that follow. This is not an isolated incident, but a familiar pattern that emerges after every election cycle. The question is, what can be done to prevent these tragedies and protect the livelihoods of thousands of traders?

The traders associations must take responsibility for negotiating affordable insurance policies for their members. This would provide a financial safety net in the event of a disaster. Furthermore, it is imperative that they invest in fire prevention measures and work closely with local authorities to ensure that markets are designed and managed with safety in mind.

However, prevention is only half the solution. To deal with the scourge of arson, Ghana must leverage technology to enhance surveillance and monitoring. Satellite AI-bedrocked command centers in all regions could provide real-time monitoring, enabling law enforcement agencies to respond swiftly to emergencies.

In the face of such brazen sabotage, concerns about privacy are secondary to the need for security. It is foolish to prioritize individual privacy over collective safety when the very fabric of our society is under threat.

Ghana deserves better. We must wise up and take bold action to prevent these tragedies. Our traders, our markets, and our economy depend on it.

#GhanaDeservesBetter #MarketFires #Arson #TradersMatter #EconomicSecurity #SurveillanceState #AIForGood #CollectiveSafety #GlobalSouthPerspectives


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