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Breizh Storming. Happy New Year 2025!

Goodbye, cursed old year! (Farewell, old year!) Yes, “ The year neve

z ! » (The New Year has come) and after nozvezh Kalanna (New Year's Eve), it's time to send your best wishes to everyone who matters to you: cool (parents), mignoned (amis), enjoy (neighbors), keneiled labour (work colleagues)… Let it be dre gomz (orally), three steps (in writing) or dre video (by a video), why not wish “ happy new year » (Happy New Year) in Breton?

In addition to this simple and effective formula, you can embroider around the theme according to genre standards or your inspiration. For example, the traditional “ Happy New Year, health and prosperity, and Paradise at the end of your life! » (Happy New Year, health and prosperity, and Paradise at the end of your life!) can easily be changed to “… and Paradise before the end of your life! » (…and Paradise before the end of your life). One “here” is better than two “you’ll get it”, right?

Gifts for the New Year

Another equally classic and pragmatic formula: “ Happy New Year, a house of dilogod and a high pile of fagod! » (Happy New Year, a house without mice and a pile of bundles of bundles!) Or more bucolic: “ To you and your family, a happy and peaceful year, and lots of flowers to pick! “(To you and your family, a happy new year without worries and lots of flowers to pick!”), which can be accompanied by a few kisses (flowers in a bouquet) precisely. Because nothing prevents you from putting your words into action, by adding to your wishes a A few gifts (a few New Year gifts)! Besides the traditional tammoùchokolade (chocolates), you can also offer a a number of high-altitude branches (a few branches of mistletoe), kelenn
with red balls (holly with red balls)… or even ur c'houmanant d'an Telegram (a subscription to your favorite daily newspaper), so you can enjoy the excellent articles from Spered ar Vro all year round!


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