Today, December 31, 2024, we happily await the New Year.
We hope that 2025 can bring gifts to all people on Earth: Peace, love, prosperity.
Some African countries are suffering from hunger, the West sent a few million dollars in humanitarian aid, while BILLIONS of dollars were sent to the war in Ukraine. There are always economic resources to maintain war. It’s a shame that the same resources don’t exist to save lives.
Let us remember that January 1st is World Peace and Universal Fraternity Day.
Next, poems by Isabel Furini and Izabel Rodrigues and a short text by Jucélia Betinardi, about the new year.
New Year – by Isabel Furini
The new year arrives like a naive child.
In their hands they have seeds,
they have flowers and they have hope.
We can still hear
ecos of torn cities by fierce strife
and for the silence of the dead children.
It is necessary to say: -No! NO TO WAR.
Goodbye old year
Izabel Rodrigues
At the end
one more year
I wonder what the new plans are
Very simple
Continue embroidering tomorrow with bright and colorful lines like the autumns of life
Poetizing the world by seeing poetry even where there is none
Sewing dreams
Thanking every dawn
And every twilight you can watch…
Happy New Year!!!
Jucélia Betinardi Fachini
It is a time of hope and peace. Let’s start over and achieve new achievements in our lives.
Let us look inside ourselves and be sure that Jesus is within us, giving us strength on our journey. This way we will have a strong spirit to make all our dreams come true and find true peace, which is this peace that comes from God.
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