Brigitte Macron must have heard about the country for several weeks. The first lady is a long-time friend of Stéphane Bern, and the France 2 presenter is not happy, but not happy at all, with the desire, in particular, of the Elysée to install six contemporary stained glass windows which will be installed in six chapels of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, in place of old 19th century stained glass windows.
“I am in favor [aux vitraux contemporains] when the old ones are destroyed or deteriorated, explains Stéphane Bern in a very long interview given to West France. Stained glass windows classified as a Historic Monument cannot be removed. Otherwise, I'm going to do the same thing for my museum: remove what is a historical monument and do contemporary things that I really like. Be sure that the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs would fine me. »
“There will be recourse”
On December 18, the Elysée and the Diocese of Paris announced that painter Claire Traboulet had been chosen to replace six of the seven bays on the south aisle of Notre-Dame by 19th-century architect Eugène Viollet- le-Duc. “Why does the State free itself from the rules it imposes on others? Just because the president wants it? », complains Stéphane Bern.
The Ringmaster of the British monarchy in France therefore hopes that this great replacement will not be effective: “The National Commission for Heritage and Architecture voted unanimously against. Opposing this, with the approval of the Minister of Culture, means that there will be recourse. I don't think we're any closer to seeing these stained glass windows. »
In the meantime, Emmanuel Macron's ears will continue to ring. “The President, I spend my time saying what I think – and not only good things – about his decisions,” admits Stéphane Bern. He has every reason to be angry with me. » Here's a new one.
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