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maintains its demographic explosion!

The region continues to see its population increase according to INSEE to exceed 6 million inhabitants.


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Always much commented on, the Insee census of the population in Occitanie has just been published for the period 2016-2022. Unsurprisingly, the study highlights the persistent attractiveness of the region with the urban areas of and as the main drivers.

The towns and the coast continue to attract populations.


The Pink City conurbation even ranks at the top of the population growth of French cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants. “The population of the urban unit of Toulouse, the 4th largest French conurbation with 1,081,726 inhabitants, is increasing by 1.4% per year, the largest increase among French conurbations of more than 500,000 inhabitants, ahead of the urban unit of (+1.3% per year) and (+1.2% per year)“, explains the publication.

Toulouse (511,684 inhabitants as of January 1, 2022) should thus take 3rd place from , which has only 9,090 additional inhabitants, after having gained around 5,000 more inhabitants over this period than the capital of Gaul each year. The pink city would then be placed behind and .

Montpellier is also at the top of the most dynamic agglomerations of more than 100,000 inhabitants with an increase of +1.7% per year. This progression of urban centers can be explained by the combination of two factors: the maintenance of a high birth rate and an attractiveness which remains at the highest level.

Concerning the peri-urban and rural areas of Occitanie, the population is stagnating or increasing in all departments. This trend is driven by intermediate towns like , or , which continue to attract. The only sector where the population is stagnating compared to the previous period studied (2011-2016), non-peri-urban rural areas.due to a marked natural deficit“, details the press release.

With a little more than six million inhabitants (6,080,731 in 2022), Occitanie, the fourth French region in terms of population, is hot on the heels of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (6,113,384 inhabitants) and could soon overtake it, driven by a higher annual growth rate over the period 2016-2022 (0.77% compared to 0.49%).
However, it remains far behind Ile-de-France (nearly 12.4 million inhabitants) and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (nearly 8.2 million).


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