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Regional costumes at Miss : a candidate wore her outfit backwards, the designer reacts on social networks

On December 14, 2024 during the Miss evening broadcast on TF1, one of the candidates for the title for 2025 wore her outfit backwards.

It’s all in the process! A dressing error went unnoticed during the Miss France show Saturday evening on TF1. During the famous regional costume table, where the candidates showcase local designers, a small careless error slipped onto your screens.

An air of King Dagobert

It was Assia Roosz-Tomenti, Miss Lorraine, who wore her outfit backwards. The young woman paraded in a very colorful, fitted outfit, dressed in a transparent veil which caused a lot of talk. Especially since it mixed symbols dear to the inhabitants of the region, such as the stained glass windows of Cathedral or the Metz dragon. The origin of this outfit? A young designer based in Metz, Wesley Forstinger.

And this costume put on the wrong way did not escape his expert eye. On social networks, he reacted to the anecdote: “I had the committee, the costume designer, a lot of people on the phone, he posted. The suit fits fine, it ‘JUST’ was on backwards. So. Well in all this bad, there is some positive, we are going to make a communication around this soon”quips the artist.

A resounding costume from the previous year

Last year, reports The Parisian, Miss Lorraine’s regional costume had already caused a lot of talk. The young candidate, Angéline Aron-Clauss, then wore an imposing white dress in the shape of a table.

The petticoat was flared to its maximum diameter from the young woman’s waist, forming a plateau and making her legs look like the legs of a small piece of furniture. The candidate had been the subject of hundreds of reactions on social networks, sometimes amused, other times scathing.



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