DayFR Euro

«If we won every game like this until the end, I would sign now»

Statements by Tiago Teixeira, Sporting’s assistant coach, in a press conference after Sporting-Santa Clara (2-1):


«It ends up being a victory with a lot of merit. The players didn’t deserve the draw. Santa Clara made the finishing touches after ninety. Our players are already very physically limited, some having to play in other positions. They managed to do it.”

[Estado de espírito de João Pereira]

«The state of mind after a victory is always excellent. The important thing is to move forward. If we won every game like this until the end, I would sign now. We fully justified the victory and move forward with full merit.’

[Voltou a consentir oportunidades estando em vantagem?]

«In those minutes it was a purely physical issue. They had a series of many games in which almost the same players played, two of them 17 years old. Mauro Couto entered, which was a debut. Only the result matters. I saw a great desire to get through the round, with some players in very limited physical conditions.”

[Ala direito mudou quatro vezes]

«In terms of wingers, they are used to playing with the right foot, the opposite foot… they are used to it. In this game, not only for tactical but also physical reasons, we had to make adaptations.”



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