The government online assistance system Cyber17 was born from an observation: delinquency and crime using digital tools continue to increase.
According to the analysis of the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security published in April 2024, “digital attacks” on property (fraud, online scams, etc.) are increasing by 8% per year. “Digital attacks” on people (harassment, blackmail, hacking, insults, threats, discrimination) increase by 9% each year. Furthermore, 278,703 digital-related offenses were recorded by internal security forces in 2023, compared to 255,320 in 2022.
Other alarming indicators: nine out of ten French people have already been confronted with a situation of computer malware, in particular phishing (70%), and, in 2023, 55 communities will have been victims of ransomware attacks (malware or malware). virus blocking access to the computer or its files and demanding payment of a ransom). There were 37 in 2022 and 44 in 2021.
2 Who is this device intended for?
The Ministry of the Interior recalls that “cybercrime affects all categories of the population”. The Cyber17 system is therefore aimed at anyone who is a victim of digital crimes: individuals, professionals, community agents, etc.
The site indicates, in passing, that “47% of victims of online financial harm are under the age of 44” and that “digital attacks on the person mainly target women (67% of victims)”.
3 When and how to use this device?
Cyber 17 is the digital equivalent of call 17. If you think you have been the victim of a cyber attack, go to the online system which will offer you an online diagnosis of the type of attack suffered as well as advice and recommendations.
“For threats that require it, police officers and gendarmes are there to assist victims by giving them first-emergency advice and allowing them to take the necessary legal steps,” the government website also indicates.
Note that a 17Cyber module, also free, can be directly integrated into different sites and platforms. “It was designed for any entity concerned about the online security of its audiences and the issues concerning cybersecurity,” explains the Ministry of the Interior.
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