DayFR Euro

significant damage and probable victims

This December 17, 2024, thearchipelagoarchipelago of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean was violently shaken by a earthquakeearthquake of magnitude 7.3. L'epicenterepicenterlocated off the coast of Port Vila, initially led to the triggering of a tsunami alert which was, however, quickly lifted.

However, the earthquake was not without incidenceincidence. The damage is indeed numerous and the first images reaching us from the capital reveal many collapsed buildings. The American and French embassies were notably severely damaged. The strong tremors also produced large landslides in the city's surroundings.

An archipelago under permanent threat of earthquakes and eruptions

Given the scale of the destruction, it is likely that casualties will be reported. Fortunately, the tremors occurred at 12:47 p.m. local time. Daytime earthquakes are often less deadly than those occurring at night. Emergency services are now working to search for possible victims under the rubble.

Seismological data indicates that this earthquake is linked to a flawflaw affecting the Australian plate which subducts under the Pacific plate in this region at a vitessevitesse of 85 mm/year. The Vanuatu archipelago is in fact located on the Pacific Ring of FirePacific Ring of Fireand the existence of these volcanic islands is directly linked to this great zone de subductionzone de subduction. The inhabitants of these islands are therefore subject to a seismic riskseismic risk and particularly important volcanic.


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