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Increasingly easier to apply for, the “large family” card in search of new beneficiaries

Fewer than 400,000 families have it, or a fifth of the potential number of beneficiaries. In the coming weeks, the procedures for applying for the “large family” card will be further simplified in the coming weeks.

French people entitled to a “large family” card are far from all taking advantage of it. However, the National Union of Family Associations (Unaf), which promotes these cards, has worked hard in recent years to make it more attractive and easier to apply for.

Since all procedures can be done online and large families can benefit from dematerialized cards, the number of holders has increased. There are 1.8 million for a total of 377,000 beneficiary families. However, well below the total number of potential beneficiaries. Remember that to be entitled to a large family card, you only need to raise three children, including at least one minor. “Tribes” of at least five children are even entitled to this card for life.

The first cards appeared in 1921

Unaf thus estimates the number of families meeting the conditions for obtaining it at 1.7 million. Five times more than today. To further facilitate the procedures, the family allowance funds have ensured that the link with each family's account is done automatically upon request. This new feature will be operational in a few weeks. All you need to do is connect to the site to finalize your request in two clicks.

So of course, these cards, the creation of which dates back to 1921, are not free. There are 19 euros to pay for application fees. A sum which covers all of the family's cards, for a period of three years. And, above all, with significant financial advantages. Starting with the train. The SNCF grants a reduction on the normal fare, ranging from 30% to 75% depending on the number of children. And for Ile-de- residents, Ratp also offers a 50% reduction on tickets.

More than a hundred partner companies

But in recent years, the list of partners has continued to grow. More than a hundred partner companies have agreed to make an effort for the holders of this card. This could be SMEs like this small private maritime transport company, Compagnie Vendéenne which offers a 15% reduction on connections with the island of Yeu. Or these two national catering brands which are Flunch (-10%) and Buffalo Grill (a free children's meal).

The reductions granted are certainly rarely enormous, but if we combine all the possibilities, the amounts saved are far from negligible: 10% on 1,300 food products at Intermarché. You also have among your partners, two restaurant chains, Flunch and Buffalo Grill.

Other examples, for winter sports enthusiasts, two Pyrenean ski resorts (Font-Romeu and Saint-Lary) grant 15% reductions on ski lift passes and Intersport offers up to 60% discounts on ski lift passes. equipment rental Of course, skiing remains a practice reserved for relatively well-off families, but the singularity of the “large family” card is that its obtaining is not subject to no resource ceiling.


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