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Modernization of bank slips announced by the BC can facilitate bill payment; Understand

The Central Bank announced more good news, the modernization of bills. With this, consumers will even be able to use PIX to pay their bills more quickly. This means compensation should take less time. See all announced changes.

Modernization of bank slips announced by the BC can facilitate bill payment; Understand (Image: Jeane de Oliveira/ FDR)

After making several changes to the PIX, the central bank now focuses on bank slips. The system is being modernized, bringing new issuance and payment methods, faster payment and more resources. All measures should bring more security to Brazilians.

Specialist Lila Cunha, collaborator of FDR, comments on PIX, check it out.

Modernization of payment slips

Check below the resolutions announced by the Central Bank to modernize the payment system:

  • Bill payment via PIX: now bills will be paid more quickly through a specific QR Code. This measure should bring more agility and security to the transaction, informed the BC;
  • Dynamic bill: This mechanism will be used in certain types of securities, bringing more security to transactions, ensuring that the funds go to the real recipient. The dynamic bill will be issued digitally in systems authorized by the BC;

“The standard also requires the adoption of a more robust governance structure of the bill convention, with broader action by the various segments participating in the arrangement, as well as the provision for the establishment of a tariff model and reimbursement of operational costs that takes into account the aspects of equality, transparency and economic justification, so as not to lead to the adoption of anti-competitive models”, explains the Central Bank.

The new functions will be valid from February 2025.

Jamille Novaes

Graduated in Vernacular Literature from the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), text production has always been her passion. She has worked as a teacher and textual reviewer, but it was in FDR's writing that she found her professional position. Has a UX Writing course for Digital Transformation, Digital Communication and Data Journalism: Introductory Concepts; and Digital Content Production.


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