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One of the luckiest administrations is in O Porriño: “The 7 are all exhausted”

Talk about “Lucky X” by O Porriño It's talking about fortune. And this Lottery administration of the municipality of A Louriña has sold five “Fatties” in recent years in the Christmas and Children's Lottery. A luck that attracts numerous people from multiple points in Galicia to buy at least one of the many tickets they sell. So it is not unusual to find queues at the doors of the administration, located on the street Ramon Gonzalez.

Andrés and Benjamín Martínezfather and son, have been popping the champagne for years in response to the wave of awards they have sold since the Porriñesa administration. The Lucky X has distributed around thirty great prizes in recent years, making it one of the ones that distribute the most prizes in all of Galicia. They sold the “Gordo de Navidad” on four occasions (2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023) and that of “Gordo del Niño” on one occasion (2021). Last year they sold six winning numbers in the draw, a fortune that has caused “queues of excitement” at the doors of the administration in O Porriño. “The truth is that every year our sales increase more. When you give prizes at the end, people warm to you a little more,” says Benjamín, one of the Administration's managers.

An illusion that began especially in 2018, when they distributed their first “Gordo”. “You never get used to giving the jackpot. We have had five Gordos in the last few years and each one lives as if he were the first,” points out. A great prize that marked his launch to fame and the rise of sales. “It was the takeoff,” says Benjamín himself, who also highlights the moment in which they sold the Gordo de Navidad in 2020 and a few days later they also gave the Gordo from the El Niño draw. “That was when this started to gain strength,” he said of the queues “of excitement, which is what this Lottery is.” Now they sell to all of Spain and have even distributed Lottery tickets to other European countries such as Germany or Switzerland.

5,7 and 13, highly demanded endings in the Lucky X

“The 13th is the quintessential ending of all draws. In summer they are already telling you: do you have a 13?“, says Benjamín about one of the endings most requested by his clients. Although the number that stands out the most for the draw on December 22 is 7. “The 7 are all sold out. And I also think the 5 will soon fall”. This year the number given by Artificial Intelligence or some number linked to the DANA tragedy in Valencia is also having a lot of pull.

“Expectations” before the December 22 draw

The National Christmas Lottery draw will be held on December 22. An event that they look forward to with “expectations” but being aware that “it will be difficult to beat last year” when they sold six great prizes in the Christmas raffle and one in the El Niño raffle. “There were 7 great prizes out of 16 possible, almost 50%”said Benjamín Martínez.

They are “looking forward” to the draw to be able to distribute “many tenths” in some of the prizes like last year when they sold more than fifty tenths of a fifth prize to a company in O Porriño. They hope to be able to distribute many prizes nearby to spread fortune among their clients and their neighbors. “This not only affects us, but also commerce in general,” they point out.



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