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The La Palma tsunami, according to Netflix

The Netflix platform has released its miniseries titled The Palmwhich focuses on the theory that there will be a great tsunami because the island is going to split in two and the enormous waves are going to produce a global catastrophe. A theory from twenty years ago, which has been discredited by numerous experts. But the Norwegian production of this miniseries insists on catastrophism, and they do the island a disservice with these episodes in which the local population does not look good, for example a hotel receptionist is revealed as a fool incapable of getting a car. for your guests. With a script full of clichés, the miniseries tries to merge the eruption of Stromboli and the destruction of Pompeii, and it transfers that historical background to La Palma. Luckily, visitors will continue to return to the island as air connectivity is reestablished. Because the recovery from the enormous damage caused by the Tajogaite volcano is another chapter: it is going very slowly, with many contradictions, with enormous bureaucracy, with successes and errors that are visible.

Already ready to sing Christmas carols and fill ourselves with nougat, a drop in temperatures has arrived and a momentary farewell to the heat and haze that will visit us again. On the positive side, it is evident that in the city of Las Palmas this Christmas they show us more decorative lights, there is the traditional Arena Nativity Scene that receives more recognition every year, the angels in the Plaza de Santa Ana, the commercial emblems on Triana Street and Mesa y López, the attractions of Santa Catalina Park and the gigantic ball of La Puntilla. There is a trend to replace Christmas trees with those large decorative balls, it doesn’t just happen here. But the truth is that this year the city council has put energy and imagination into it.

Christmas evolves like everything, and in a few years it may have to be called something else. There are already those who celebrate Thanksgiving Day as if we were Americans, we already adopted the tacky Halloween without major problems and we will even toast Donald Trump when he is inaugurated. Well, although we are ultraperipheral, we are part of the Empire.

And in the negative chapter we have the other side of the coin: the appearance of gigantic rats that roam freely through the store windows. On the one hand, the excellent city council improves lighting management but on the other hand, preventive actions are neglected regarding the pests that this port city harbors: legions of rats and legions of cockroaches.

City cleanliness has almost always been a contentious issue. There have been times when this issue was resolved better, but lately the neighborhood is crying out because the situation has worsened. The contracts with specialized companies have not always had the expected success, and it is now known that pest control has expired since May of last year, which is why the capital city council acts partially and has abandoned preventive actions.

There is another non-negligible problem, and that is that rats are showing greater resistance to rodenticides, an issue that has already been verified in various cities both in Spain and in other countries. So, technicians have to properly select the products used to combat this problem. The same thing happens with the consumption of antibiotics, which by dint of taking them for a simple flu they lose their effectiveness.

Another issue that demonstrates the government’s lack of coordination is the absence of Spanish representatives at the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral in . This circumstance makes us think that these politicians who send us are outdated and their survival is only a strategic question while we are distracted with disquisitions and verbal brawls, mutual denunciations of corruption, etc.


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