Four people were killed in Loon-Plage and one in Wormhout, near Dunkirk, this Saturday. In Loon-Plage, these are two security guards and two migrants who diedaround 4 p.m. A man, who came spontaneously to the Ghyvelde gendarmerie brigade, claimed to be the perpetrator. He also accused himself ofa fifth murder committed in Wormhouton a 29-year-old man. The suspect, aged 22, was arrested.
A suspect arrested
In Wormhout, south of Dunkirk, the gendarmerie was alerted around 3 p.m. of gunshots and an unconscious person. According to a source close to the investigation at franceinfo, upon their arrival, the gendarmes noted the presence of a man on the ground in the courtyard of a house. He presented several gunshot wounds, including one to the headand was pronounced dead. According to the first information collected from the victim's wife, her husband went out after hearing the sound of a vehicle in the courtyard of their home, specifies this same source. According to this testimony, a man got out of the vehicle and fired several times against the victim, before leaving the scene.
The suspect was arrested, he is unknown to the justice system. In his vehicle, investigators discovered three weapons. It is the research section of the Lille gendarmerie which is responsible for the investigation. The Dunkirk prosecutor went to the scene of the shooting.
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