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this astro sign starts all over again (he changes his life)

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place on December 15 and while it impacts everyone, one astro sign in particular changes its life and starts everything from scratch.

The moment of the Full Moon is always very special. It is a period loaded with energies which impacts all the astro signs, a few days before and a few days after. The Full Moon closes a cycle : it’s time to take stock, to take stock of the past month. The next Full Moon takes place on December 15, 2024 and is placed in the sign of Gemini, an air sign.

This Full Moon is the last of the year 2025 and is likely to be particularly powerful. It is also a Full Moon which occurs at the same time as another phenomenon: the end of Mercury’s retrograde. Since November 26, the planet of communication and travel has been in retrograde, and it has caused a lot of damage in its wake. Many signs may have felt very frustrated because everything seemed to be at a standstill. Professional commitments, relational commitments… Everything could be a source of stress. From the Full Moon, each member of the zodiacal wheel seems happier because everything is reactivated!

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This astro sign changes its life: it starts all over again during the Full Moon

If there is one sign that will end one cycle to begin another during the Full Moon on December 15, it is Cancer. Indeed, this water sign is ready to change completely. For him, the Full Moon announces new possibilities in life. Cancer also feels a boost of energy which is due to the end of Mercury’s retrograde. In love, he feels capable of committing if he is in a relationship, he no longer has any doubts. If he is single, he is particularly attractive and can meet nice people.

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At work, he wants renewal. If he has the slightest doubts, Cancer must listen to his heart: he is advised to change professional path, because he feels capable of it and even if it can be difficult, it is a blessing in disguise. Cancer is also capable of asserting itself and asking itself if it wants more responsibilities, if it no longer wishes to do certain tasks: it must speak loud and clear because everyone will listen to it. The water sign, usually rather discreet in the professional environment, finds its voice and imposes its ideas. This is very well received by his colleagues. He may also feel able to start his own business and finally become his own boss. He must take advantage of this positive moment for him!

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Full Moon of December 15: these two other astro signs positively impacted

Cancer is very advantageous during the Full Moon on December 15, but it is not the only one. Aries is also encouraged. The Full Moon can allow him to develop harmonious relationships, especially at work, which can lead to proposals for advancement within the company!

Of course, Gemini is also very concerned by the Full Moon because it takes place in his sign. The event amplifies Gemini’s feelings and allows him to see more clearly in his relationships. Gemini feels capable of discovering and expressing deep desires. If a relationship no longer suits them, the air sign needs to change and not be afraid to say “no”.

Fashion, Lifestyle, Astro Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…



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