Capcom has announced the tentatively titled Okami Sequel. It is developed by CLOVERS, a new studio founded by original Eyes director Hideki Kamiya, who will also direct the sequel, alongside M-TWO and Machine Head Works. Platforms and a release date were not announced.
About Okami Sequel
The Eyes sequel project is underway!!
Eyes is a game critically acclaimed for its unique world, heartwarming story, and exciting adventures. Now, a new adventure in the same vein as Eyes has been set in motion.
Hideki Kamiya, director of the original Eyeswill be the director of this project, which is being co-developed between studios that include various staff members of the original Eyes: M-TWO Inc., Machine Head Works Inc., and CLOVERS Inc.—which Hideki Kamiya is a member of.
What will the new adventures of Amaterasu and company be like? It will be some time before we greet you again, but we really hope you look forward to this project.
What is Eyes?
Life in this world revives.
Originally released in 2006 and set in a Japanese-style world, take on the role of Amaterasu and embark on an adventure to bring back life in this action adventure game.
Enjoy the action and character development, while overcoming difficulties through its unique game system, the Celestial Brush.
Featuring a unique world, a heartwarming story, and many other game elements,
Okami continues to be loved by fans all over the world, even more than 10 years after its original release.
Watch the announcement teaser trailer below.
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