DayFR Euro

Sexuality education: the eternal divide?

By Gurvan Le Guellec

Published on December 4, 2024 at 7:30 a.m.updated on December 4, 2024 at 6:07 p.m.

Intervention by the Sangs mélés association on the theme of gender stereotypes, in a class at the Aimé-Césaire primary school, in Saint-Denis, on April 30. MATHIAS BENGUIGUI/PASCO AND CO FOR “THE NEW OBS”

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Decryption Ten years after the “ABCD of equality” controversy, the new education program for emotional, relational and sexual life is already arousing indignation from reactions of all faiths. And could well reignite the school war.

Dare or dare not? A few days ago, that was still the question… before 49.3. On December 12, the Ministry of National Education is supposed to present the education program for emotional, relational and sexual life (Evars), which must apply at the start of the next school year, from the junior section to the final year. A project launched two years ago by Minister Pap Ndiaye, to make effective the three hours of sex education provided for by law since 2001 – from which, today, only 15% of students benefit.

Given the upheavals that have taken place in French society over the past ten years, we could almost be surprised that this initiative did not come sooner: firstly, the notions of consent, sexual violence, gender assignment (the assignment of a role or function stereotyped according to the person's gender) begin to impose themselves in public conversation; then, through drama, the issue of harassment becomes…

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