DayFR Euro

Ticket . Magic wands…

After the hour, it's not time anymore. So sometimes you have to quickly wave a magic wand to hope that everything changes.

“A wave of the magic wand” is a bit like what a parliamentary niche looks like. You are in opposition, you make a wish, and you pray that it comes true before midnight. Because at midnight, the carriages become pumpkins again and the miracles evaporate, even in the Assembly.

In this race against time, LFI yesterday strongly hoped that the pension reform would be canceled. The far left knew that, in any case, the route would be strewn with obstacles, and that with more than 1000 amendments, it would have difficulty completing everything before midnight, but that's okay! The important thing was to act “as if”. As if politics depended on the wave of a magic wand.

At this game, there were also several yesterday, from Mélenchon to Le Pen via Copé, shaking a wand to see if they could not force Emmanuel Macron to resign. Here too, the window is tight. Pushing the President to leave means that Marine Le Pen can be a candidate, before perhaps being prevented from doing so by the courts. And this is for the left to avoid getting into trouble again over a potential Prime Minister. It's about not missing the boat.

Because besides the magic wands, there is also this huge red button called Censorship. The one who, for Michel Barnier, can transform his desk into a pumpkin at any time if someone presses on it. So this Thursday the Prime Minister, too, waved a wand: no increase in taxes on electricity after all! It remains to be seen whether this wand will create enough sparks to transform a red button into a green button…


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