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CNG sanctions against Modou Lo and Siteu: Millions lost

The CNG does not play with the regulations established to ensure the proper organization of wrestling events. The National Wrestling Management Committee sanctioned the two wrestlers Modou Lo and Siteu after the fight. The two wrestlers each lost two million francs, for several infractions.

Modou LO loses 2,030,000 FCFA, Siteu loses 2,730,000 FCFA

The King of Arenas Modou Lo did not escape sanctions, despite his victory. The fighter of the cleaned up plots left two million thirty thousand francs (2,030,000 FCFA) in the coffers of the CNG. He lost 1,250,000 for the introduction of bottles, 30,000 for excess of accompanying persons, among other sanctioned faults.

For Siteu, the Diamaguene wrestler lost almost three million. His manager Max Mbergane explained that his foal lost two million seven hundred and thirty thousand francs (2,730,000 FCFA) due, among other things, to the introduction of 10 liter bottles and a surplus of accompanying people, reports the specialized site Les Arenas .


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