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[POINT DE VUE] C8 undesirable according to Arcom: the people, truly sovereign?

French citizens, rest assured: the information and thought police are watching for you and over you. This is Arcom's mission and nothing escapes it. This is how this organization decided to close the little window to those who had chosen C8 for information and entertainment. A channel that has many flaws. It belongs to a rich man and, in our country, we do not like the rich or the successful, by virtue of the revolutionary principle of equality.

In our country, which has the first word “Liberty” in its motto, its protection in matters of information is entrusted by elected politicians to a Soviet of which we are told that the guarantee of its impartiality is due to the fact that the nine members who direct it are appointed by different and distinct authorities. The President (with due honor) by the President of the Republic, three advisors by the Presidency of the National Assembly, three advisors by the Presidency of the Senate, one advisor by the Vice-Presidency of the Council of State and one advisor by the first presidency of the Court of Cassation. Behind or below all these people supposed to guarantee us impartiality, there are ten departments with as many directors and, in total, 335 well-paid agents of all grades, because they are never on strike, and 46.6 million euros of budget. It is therefore this “thing” which is responsible, as they say, for watching over our information and our thoughts. It decides, sanctions, and the dispute can be brought before the Council of State, one of whose members participates in the decision as an advisor. It’s a bit like judge and jury!

In this institution, what bothers me the most is the fact that in practice, the political power represented by elected officials subject to voter censorship delegates, or rather abandons, its power to an organization for this who doesn't answer for anything to anyone. It can be objected that this is a technical mission which does not fall within the competence of elected officials. But the technical aspect of the mission does not necessarily fall within the competence of the chosen president and his advisors who have, to inform them, departments with as many directors, a secretariat and services. So why delegate the decision to third parties who will never answer for their actions to the people who are made to believe that they are sovereign?

This is how we can condemn a television channel because it has a significant “audience” and because it does not suit the authorities, who can make it disappear without getting involved in the operation. It's not us, it's not me, it's Arcom!

This is how in this country of freedom, we abandon this precious asset to irresponsible people.

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