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Pope Francis excommunicated the priest Fernando María Cornet, author of the book “Habemus antipapam?”

Fernando María Cornet

He papa Francisco expelled the priest of Argentine origin Fernando María Cornetuntil now incardinated in the Italian archdiocese of Sassariafter being found guilty of the serious crime of schism. The news was confirmed in an official statement issued by the archdiocese, signed by the chancellor Antonio Spano.

“It is made known that the Holy Father Franciscon supreme and final decisionhas removed from the clerical state Don Fernando María Cornetin accordance with art. 26 SST2021 and exempt from ecclesiastical celibacy for crimes against faith (schism)”explained the official statement.

And he added: “The Archbishop urges the diocesan community to pray for the unity of the Church, keeping in mind that Christians, in addition to the bond of blood and belonging to the common human family, ‘They have God as Father and the Church as their only mother‘, and are part of the same body of Christ of which they are members. ‘The members of Christ must not be in conflict with each other; all those who make up its body must each perform their own office… so that there is no division. I am in the body, but unity, and the members are attentive to each other.’ (Saint Augustine)”.

El papa Francisco (EFE/EPA/Giuseppe Lami)

Fernando María Cornetordained priest in 1992 in Tucumán, Argentina, began to question the legitimacy of Francis’ pontificate years ago.

The former parish priest of the churches of San Donato and San Sisto in Sassari argued that Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid and that, therefore, the choice of his compatriot Jorge Mario Bergoglio was invalid, referring to it as “antipope”.

Cornet spread these ideas in interviews, conferences and in his book titled “Habemus antipapam? “Investigation in honor of the truth”published in Italy last August. In this work, the priest argued that Francis’ decisions, including episcopal appointments, are “illegitimate”.

I was advised to use a pseudonym to protect myself, but I didn’t because I was telling the truth.”Cornet noted in a recent interview, ensuring that he was aware of the consequences of publishing the book.

The Vatican, through the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), formally accused Cornet of schism in August of this yeargiving him 15 days to defend himself.

As the former priest himself explained, refused to withdraw his circulation book or acknowledge errors when arguing: “Nobody from DDF explained to me what the errors were.”.

Finally, The Pope made an unappealable decision that culminated in his deposition and excommunication. “It is clear that, if I consider Bergoglio an antipope, his decision has no value,” declared Cornet, according to the newspaper. The Sardinian Union. The archbishop of Sassari appointed the priest Antonino Canu as administrator of the parishes that Cornet directed in Sassari.

Carlo Maria Viganò (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky/Archive)

This case is reminiscent of other recent excommunications, such as that of the controversial archbishop Carlo Maria Viganòwho was also accused of schism in July after repeated attacks on Pope Francis.

Cornet, 57 years old, arrived in Italy in 1999 and moved to Sardinia in 2011. According to genealogical research carried out by himself, Su Abuela was originally from Sassariin the same neighborhood where he exercised his ministry. An expert in writings of the Fathers of the Church, his career is now marked by this break with the Vatican.


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