Governor Rafael Fonteles participated, this Friday (15), in the Lide Brasil Conference Lisbon, a space for debate and presentation of investment opportunities between Brazil and Portugal. More than 100 businesspeople, including Brazilians and Portuguese, authorities, investors and journalists were present at the event, held in the Portuguese capital.
Rafael Fonteles participated in the panel “New Opportunities for Industries and Service Providers in Brazil and Portugal”. He mentioned that Piauí is among the two fastest growing states in its economy and is the best place in the world to invest at the moment.
“Another opportunity to present Piauí, what we are developing, and this enormous potential in priority areas that we can place here” he highlighted.
The governor of Piauí highlighted the natural resources and institutional environment favorable to new investments in Piauí. He cited the state’s three long-term development guidelines: educational and technological shock; institutional and fiscal stability; and economic openness.
“It is with Piauí opening up to Brazil and the world that opportunities will arise. One promising area we have is agribusiness. Today we are on Brazil’s new agricultural frontier, Matopiba, which involves the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia. We are experiencing something similar to what the center-west of the country experienced 20 years ago, in Mato-Grosso and Goiás, with the arrival of agroindustry, meatpacking plants, biofuel plants”, he pointed out.
Rafael Fonteles also highlighted the government’s investment capacity to guarantee the necessary infrastructure to support investors. “Piauí now has an investment capacity above 18 percent of its Net Current Revenue (RCL). It is a very big challenge for a federation entity to achieve this capacity. It is a very big lever to attract investments, because as a state we are able to invest in infrastructure,” he said.
The event is an opportunity to promote the State’s development guidelines and new businesses being implemented. The first lady and coordinator of the Pact for Children of the State of Piauí, Isabel Fonteles, and the Secretary of Health, Antônio Luiz, accompanied the governor at the event.
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