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In , a foreigner under OQTF caught in the act of burglary in the car of RN MP Laure Lavalette

It was a little late that the deputy for the second constituency of , Laure Lavalette, joined Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Partnership with the Territories and Centralization, on Friday during her trip to . Not because the Var elected official lacked punctuality, but simply because his car had just been broken into by a man in an irregular situation on French territory. The elected official was detained by the police who were intervening on the “roulotage”.

The anti-crime brigade, alerted by a call from local residents, was on surveillance in the area when officials saw an individual entering a vehicle parked near the Mourillon beaches. When they reached the car, they were able to see that the man, curled up inside, searched the passenger compartment.

Two police officers injured

When the police asked him to get out of the vehicle, the individual refused. Then he rebelledinjuring two officials who were trying to extract him.

After some checks, the individual had set his sights on about ten cars before that, grabbing a few coins or cigarettes. However, the last car belonged to the National Rally MP for the second Var constituency, Laure Lavalette.

The man, and Algerian in an irregular situation and subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) was also subject to a ban on returning to . He was placed in pre-trial detention following his police custody, before being subject to immediate appearance proceedings this Wednesday.



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