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Kendji Girac: “Living is a very big word for me now”

6 months after being shot while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, Kendji Girac begins his return with the album Vivre. A way of put the music back at the center without forgetting the affair which caused a lot of ink to flow.

With new energy, the award-winning singer season 3 of The Voice can't wait to meet his audience again: “Sometimes we forget to live. We don't realize how important it is to have life, to be healthy, to be able to enjoy it. And sometimes, in the moments of life, when we reach our lowest point, that's when we realize that life is the most beautiful thing. […] Living is a very big word for me now.” He has also been meeting with his fans for several weeks.

It's after a tour of summer festivals what Kendji will reunite with his audience through a tour celebrating his 10-year career. Here too, it is a moment that the singer impatiently awaits. Around a question about his rituals, Kendji Girac explains to us how he approaches the scene: “I feel like I’m changing. I transform into someone focused as if I were going to fight in an arenaFor example. There is this stress, this energy which suddenly animates me. For 1h30, I don't let go of this emotion, this smile, this concentration that I have and I become invigorated, full of energy. And in the end, it goes down again. On stage I sing loudly, I move a lot, I dance, it's incredible energy. And then I soften“.

His interactions with his fans, the songs from his new album, Kendji Girac talks to Laurent Petitiguillaume for a one-on-one interview behind the scenes at the Olympia.


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