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Will the game of Panayotis Pascot and Fary be entitled to a season 2?

While Canal+ broadcasts this Friday, November 1, the grand finale of its psychological game Werewolvesco-producer Panayotis Pascot revealed whether the show will return (or not) with a season 2.

It's THE very good surprise at the start of autumn. Since October 11, Canal+ has broadcast two episodes of Werewolvesthe game imagined by actors Panayotis Pascot and Fary. This entertainment is the small screen adaptation of the famous cult role-playing game The Werewolves of Thiercelieux created in 2001 by Philippe des Pallières and Hervé Marly, and sold more than seven million copies worldwide. At the beginning of the month, the kick-off was well attended since the first two episodes of the show attracted a cumulative audience of two million viewers. A real phenomenon!

“It’s one of the games that sealed our friendship” : Panayotis Pascot and Fary reveal how the show was born Werewolves

In an interview given to Tele-LeisurePanayotis Pascot and Fary explained how they came up with the idea for this somewhat crazy project. “Five years ago, Fary called me saying he wanted to talk to me about something”confided Panayotis Pascot. “We met in a creperie at 2 a.m. He, who loves strategy games, told me that he wanted to make a show that we could watch with family as well as with friends. And as Werewolves is one of the games on which we sealed our friendship, we had this ideahe continued. And Fary adds. “We really wanted to make a slightly different program, halfway between flow and fiction. Have a story that we don't control, but with directions set at the start“, explained the 33-year-old comedian.

Werewolves (Canal +): soon a season 2 for the Panayotis show Pascot and Fary?

Given the success of the Canal+ game, it is logical to think that the channel could order a new round of episodes from the two actors. On October 9, two days before the launch of the first season, Panayotis Pascot had lifted the veil on this possibility. “Season 2 is already in preparation, it is already assured and so is 3”he said on the set of Clique on Canal+. A decision by the encrypted channel which surprised him greatly. “It makes no sense. It’s also the chance to work with Canal. They trust the ideas, they liked what they saw so we are working on season 2”he rejoiced. And us too!


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