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a literary meeting on “Jewish Algeria” canceled

A literary meeting was canceled in Algiers this Saturday, October 26. The organizers announced to Agence -Presse that this book event Jewish Algeria could not stand, after criticism linked to the war in the Gaza Strip, reports Le Figaro.

A few days earlier, Islamist MP Zouheir Fares indicated that the Ministry of Culture had banned the meeting from taking place following his request. He had written a letter to call on the State to react, in which he denounced a “cultural normalization with the Zionists”. The bookstore in the Algerian capital did not provide further information on the reasons which led to this cancellation, while announcing the withdrawal of the book from its shelves.

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Another reading canceled this week

The elected official particularly pointed the finger at the French author Valérie Zenatti, who signed the preface. She would, according to him, “a citizen of the Zionist entity having recently served in its army”. Another literary meeting around the work was canceled on Thursday, October 24, in the town of Tizi Ouzou. The author of the book, Hedia Bensahli, clarified that Jewish Algeria had been written and marketed before the start of the clashes between Hamas and Israel.


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