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Weather expert gives decisive forecast for White Christmas

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Stand: October 21, 2024, 7:18 a.m

Von: Tanja Kipke


Autumn is here and has Bayern firmly in its grip. A meteorologist takes a first look at this year’s snow forecast. Is a white Christmas likely?

Munich – Temperatures around 16 degrees, cloudy skies and light drizzle: Classic, mild autumn weather is currently dominating the weather in Bavaria. A high over Eastern Europe is allowing mild air to flow into Bavaria; according to the German Weather Service (DWD), it will not get cooler until the middle of next week. However, winter weather is still a long way off. Meteorologist Jan Schenk from The Weather Channel However, in its weather forecast for Bavaria, it dares to make its first snow forecast for this year.

Weather in Bavaria: Meteorologist gives snow forecast – “The polar vortex has awakened”

“The nights are getting longer and it is getting cooler, the polar vortex has awakened”: With these words, Schenk begins his current snow forecast for the weather and winter in Bavaria. According to Schenk, the climate phenomenon over the Arctic and Antarctic is important for our winter. If the polar vortex is disrupted, it can get cold here too. “At the moment, however, it looks like the polar vortex will remain very strong this season.” All models would currently indicate this. There are no disruptions in sight.

Could it snow in Bavaria this Christmas? A meteorologist makes an initial forecast. © IMAGO/imageBROKER/Franz Walter

For Germany this means: a mild autumn and winter. At least this year. According to Schenk, the temperature models also point to this. It is very likely that 2024 will be one of the warmest years in recorded history. “I would therefore not bet on a white Christmas,” summarizes the weather expert in his weather forecast for Bavaria and Germany in general.

Peasant rules

The widespread farmer’s rules are also an indicator of the upcoming weather. You can download and print an overview of the most important farming rules for free HERE.

Get to know the most important farming rules. Download now. © Ippen Media/Imago Images: Jan Eifert

(By the way: Our Bayern newsletter informs you daily about all the important stories from Bavaria.)

Weather forecast for Bavaria: Despite the gloomy forecast, snow is not ruled out

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there will be snow in Bavaria this year. “It can still get cold and snow,” assures Schenk in his current weather forecast for Bavaria. Overall, however, it will be a “very, very warm autumn and winter”. At this point in his weather forecast there is “hardly any doubt” about that.



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