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The horoscope for Saturday October 19, 2024

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As the Moon/Uranus conjunction occupies a financial sector, which also manages your possessions, beware of impulsive purchases that you think you need. Besides, if you are not wealthy, any impulse purchase is not recommended for Aries! Indeed, it is generally a sort of crush, and not something that you really need. But the power of desire is such in you that it can transform this desire into a need and you convince yourself that the object or item of clothing in question is essential to you. Also, take time to reflect today.


It is at your home that the Moon meets Uranus and this should take your need for freedom up a notch, 3rd decan. You have until July 2025. In fact, on this date Uranus will leave your sign, where it entered in 2018 (it remains in a sign for 7 years). It has certainly brought you upheavals, changes, but also fundamental discoveries about yourself and your potential. However, with Uranus, we take one step forward and two steps back, which you will be aware of today.


The conjunction between the Moon and Uranus forms in your sector 12, and if you have planned to rest, expect to be overworked. You may be asked for a favor, or to give your time to support someone, or a cause in which you are interested. In short, you will not be at peace if you are from the 3rd decan. On the other hand, born in May, the evening seems promising, with an opposition between Moon and Venus which bodes well for meeting people or simply having fun without a second thought.


The Moon joins Uranus, planet of projects and these will apparently be joyful, 3rd decan. That said, your friendships will also be a source of pleasure. However, Mars plays its role of spoilsport if you were born around July 15/16: you are upset, angry, and this risks taking on proportions in the coming days, Mars entering into a relationship with Neptune. Although this is a good aspect, the nature of Neptune is to erase boundaries and like Mars is a symbol of anger… But this planet also manages our actions and decisions, and so you may have to embark on some thing. This aspect will be active until November 4.


The way you express yourself could create tension between you and those around you, so try to wear gloves when speaking to those close to you. We know that you are someone who is frank and direct, you are loyal, but sometimes your natural authority encourages you to be a little too firm and this offends the sensibilities of others. But it is also possible that a situation is a constraint for you today, which will result in you not being in a very good mood. In this case, respect a safe distance from those around you, mainly 3rd decan.


You will have good echoes of the meeting between the Moon and Uranus, 3rd decan, Uranus is in favor of your independence, you must free yourself from supervision. It started at the beginning of this year and you have until July 2025 to realize your project and detach yourself from what is currently weighing you down. But it may just be a need for change and above all to evolve in your professional life. You could also free yourself from thoughts that create anxiety and which could revolve around your work as much as your health. Virgo is always worried about their health.


This Saturday’s situation, unlike tomorrow’s, encourages you to think and act freely, breaking your usual pattern if necessary. It’s time to question your thoughts and perhaps your actions and be more open-minded. Don’t hesitate to follow your own beliefs and act in accordance with them, even if it differs from what you are used to doing. This Saturday is your opportunity to break down barriers and feel free to make your choices. It is important to think for yourself, whether in your private or personal life.


In front of you, the Moon meets Uranus, this risks creating tensions in your relationships. Avoid pushing your interlocutors to their limits. 3rd decan, there have been conflicts within your interactions for several months, so it is important to exercise caution and not go too far, because you want to test the other’s limits. Remember that everyone can be influenced by your energies, so it is essential to communicate calmly and patiently. Try to understand the other person’s point of view, this will be useful for strengthening your relationships.


A meeting between the Moon and Uranus takes place in your sector 6, it manages your schedule and it seems that you will have to face an unexpected event. This situation indicates a possible disruption in your routine, an event that could arise, so stay flexible and do not panic if there is a sudden change. Take the time to adapt and find a creative solution to deal with the situation. If you are from the 3rd decan, this year can be conducive to a positive change in your professional life. Keep an open mind and be ready to seize opportunities that have presented themselves for some time.


You will appreciate the meeting between Moon and Uranus because it will enlighten you on the mission of this planet, which is to help you break away from a pattern. Certain habits also need to be rethought because they can limit your personal development. It is true that everything happens inside you since the Moon represents your unconscious, your sensations. When it meets anus it can have an impact precisely on your inner life and bring you new light. However, you must question your certainties and especially what you are attached to, sometimes to your detriment.


You may be less sensitive than others to the dissonance of the day between the Moon and Saturn, it’s just that you will find that the atmosphere is not funny. The Moon in Gemini generally makes you want to have fun, to seduce, to play with hearts, but it turns out that Saturn does not agree at all and the planet perhaps represents someone next to you who are sad, who speak to you of certain realities which will take away any desire for lightness.


The situation is rather liberating for your sign, you seem to be less dependent on your loved ones, less worried about what they think of you. The first two decans have already received good influences from Uranus and since last March this planet has influenced the 3rd decan. Never forget that with Uranus we get rid of patterns that no longer suit the extent to which we have evolved. Every time a planet looks at Uranus since March, you take a small step forward towards more autonomy and independence from those around you, or from a specific person.

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