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Mommsen promises “reunion with great acquaintances” for coastal crime thrillers

Tim alias “Lux” (Oliver Mommsen, 2nd from right) and Hannah (Ulrike C. Tscharre, right) get involved in the investigations of Police Chief Inspector Wiebke Tönnessen (Antonia Bill, 2nd from left) and Malte ( Joshua Seelenbinder, left).

Bild: ARD Degeto/RBB | Sandra Hoever

The ARD crime thriller “Mord oder Watt” goes into the next round on Friday evening. Lead actor Oliver Mommsen about filming locations in Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven and the chances of a sequel.

Another murder on the North Sea coast – or what? Oliver Mommsen, aka Commissioner “Lux”, feels called upon to solve the next mysterious death – with charm, insight and self-confidence – after a successful premiere a year ago. Once again he doesn’t let Antonia Bill as Commissioner Wiebke Tönnessen stop him. She can neither take the unrealistic actor seriously nor stop his detective ambition.

Ulrike C. Tscharre as the restaurant owner Hannah also doesn’t know how to appreciate this colorful but very likeable bird, who even likes to offend old friends with his self-absorption. The new case “Murder or Watt? Forever Matjes” is staged with humor, speed and wit – and is now available in the ARD media library. The film will be shown in the first on Friday at 8:15 p.m.

Mr. Mommsen, where was “Murder or Watt?” shot this time?

We shoot a lot in Cuxhaven and the surrounding area, but this time we were also in Bremerhaven several times. We have a large fish restaurant in our history, where Stephan Grossmann, the owner, as always, delivers a little gem and is also under suspicion. We were there a lot.

Since it’s “Murder or Watt?” is called, and as is well known, the mudflats do not yet begin near Bremerhaven, the focus is already in Cuxhaven. And we are everywhere, we have devastated everything.

Oliver Mommsen, actor

What is the setting of the current case surrounding Tim Seebach alias “Lux”?

It’s ultimately the same as the first film. We are so in love with our entire ensemble: He cautiously fell in love with Hannah, i.e. Ulrike C. Tscharerre, so of course we go one step further. With Erik, his best friend, who has come out, he’s really up for it this time. I won’t give too much away: He forgets his birthday and Erik keeps thinking that Tim came specifically for that reason – a bad misunderstanding, which also shows what a slob the good Tim Seebach can be. Of course there is friction again with Wiebke and Malte, the two real police officers. Wiebke despairs of him.

Oliver Mommsen plays the self-absorbed Tim Seebach.

Image: ARD Degeto/RBB | Sandra Hoever

Malte, who is a big Tim Seebach fan, knows the series and can quote it by heart, develops his nose in this case – played by Joshua Seelenbinder, who I adore. I always have the feeling that when Joshua appears, the film should actually be black and white because it has such Buster Keaton comedy, which is brilliant (Editor’s note: Buster Keaton was a successful comedian in the silent film era).

And of course we have Hedi Kriegskotte with us again, our wife Jessen. This is our “Cuxhaven Stasi” – she knows everything, she suddenly appears, nobody wants to have anything to do with her. But this time you will also get to know her human side. My deceased mother, from Tim Seebach’s point of view, who died in the first part and sometimes appears as a ghost, also comes back. In this respect it will be a reunion with lots of great friends.

Things are still going strong between the TV inspector “Lux” (Oliver Mommsen, right) and his childhood friend Hannah (Ulrike C. Tscharre).

Image: ARD Degeto/RBB | Sandra Hoever

What about the North Sea romance this time?

If you’re filming in places like Cuxhaven or Bremerhaven, then of course you’ll also point the camera at the sunrise and sunset. Personally, I always started my day by slumbering into the mudflats in the morning, still with my eyes glued together and reading my textbook, and then waking up somewhere in the middle of the mudflats. Then I was really on. Of course the body is found in the mudflats, and the crime scene is also searched for in the water.

Put a tape on the mudflats and cordon off a crime scene – a great scene, also with Joshua Seelenbinder and his great comedy. Of course there are also fish. We show everything the area offers and that’s a lot.

Oliver Mommsen, actor

Will there be a third part of “Murder or Watt?” give?

That’s up to the viewers to decide. If enough people tune in and the famous quota is right – there is a magic number, I don’t know if I can name it, but it can be achieved. I haven’t wished for anything else for weeks. We have already developed the third script because we simply believe in the whole story and in this funny cosmos and also in this hybrid of crime and comedy.

So, we are in the starting blocks, Saxonia Media has paid in advance and if everyone tunes in on Friday and the ratings meter goes crazy, then I think we can shoot the third one next year. And once we’ve shot the third one, then I believe in the fourth one too.

Maike Kowalski asked Oliver Mommsen the questions, prepared by Joschka Schmitt.

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