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“It’s very difficult”: terrible shock in Alsace after the discovery of Lina’s body: News

The body of the teenager, who disappeared on September 23, 2023, was found in a watercourse. The parents’ “pain” “is immense,” their lawyers said in a statement.

The lifeless body of young Lina, who disappeared in Bas-Rhin in September 2023, has been found “in the region“, announced the prosecutor this Wednesday, October 16. Upsetting news for the teenager’s loved ones. “Their pain is immense“, declared the parents’ lawyers in a press release, relayed by BFMTV. “Before giving way to meditation, they remain awaiting reports from the experts dispatched to the site of the discovery“.

Forensic assessments will be carried out to determine the causes of the teenager’s death. A friend of Lina spoke to BFM Alsace. She looks back on the moment she learned the sad news. “I got a message saying, ‘Did you see?’ And I knew straight away. I looked on the Internet. I shouldn’t have… I was stunned.“, underlined this friend.

“Always in the back of my mind”

On September 23, 2023, the teenager disappeared a few kilometers from her home in Plaine (Bas-Rhin). She was going to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station and had planned to go to Strasbourg to see her boyfriend. “I am completely stunned“, reacted Patricia Simoni, the mayor of Plaine, interviewed by Bleu Alsace. “The more time passed, the more we said to ourselves that it would not be possible to find this little one alive.“, recognized the town councilor.

The residents of Plaine are also upset. “I’m a little… It’s always in the back of my mind and I think it will stay that way“, notably confided a resident to the microphone of RMC.

published on October 17 at 9:54 a.m., Baptiste Marin, 6Medias




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