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everyone thought the same thing when they discovered the title of his book

FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP Jordan Bardella photographed at the European Parliament in July (Photo by FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP)


Jordan Bardella photographed at the European Parliament in July (Photo by FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP)

POLITICS – The announcement of the upcoming release of the book by Jordan Bardella provoked various reactions. There are those who, like at the National Rally, are delighted to see that this chaotic project is finally coming to an end. And there are the opponents of the Lepenist party, who revel in the title chosen by the MEP: What I’m looking for.

The opportunity for many to ironize about the poor record of Jordan Bardella in the European Parliament, emphasizing that the president of the RN was undoubtedly looking for the address of the institution. “ He is undoubtedly looking for his way to the European Parliament », Commented the rebellious MEP Manon Aubry. Same response formulated by the former government spokesperson, now MP for Hauts-de-Seine, Prisca Thevenot: “ the path to the European Parliament? ».

A joke also made by the mayor of Ulis Clovis Cassan, just like the very popular humorous account on the social network X, Jean-Moundir.

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During the European election campaign, Jordan Bardella’s activity in the European Parliament was indeed the subject of numerous criticisms. In question, an almost non-existent assessment, or at least without possible comparison with those of Manon Aubry, François-Xavier Bellamy, Raphaël Glucksmann and Valérie Hayer, as shown in the graphs below, produced at the time of the campaign by HuffPost :

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Furthermore, a ranking produced by the communications agency BCW measured the influence of MEPs “ inside and outside the parliamentary precincts ». And when it comes to work within the institution, Jordan Bardella was ranked 657th out of 705 MEPs. However, this did not prevent the president of the National Rally from coming well ahead on the evening of June 9, collecting double the number of the Macronist candidate, Valérie Hayer. An electoral outcome which was quickly eclipsed by the dissolution pronounced by Emmanuel Macron. And at the end of which, the one who saw himself at Matignon had to take… the path to the European Parliament.

Also see on HuffPost:

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