DayFR Euro

Conner Rousseau loses his bet in Saint-Nicolas, Tom Van Grieken not mayor either

The president of the Flemish socialists Conner Rousseau seemed well on his way to winning his bet to become the new mayor of Saint-Nicolas, in East Flanders, but in the end this is not the case. Tom Van Grieken, president of Vlaams Belang, does not come out on top in his municipality either.

The results of the 58 polling stations are now counted, and it is the N-VA list of the current mayor Lieven Dehandschutter which ends up in the lead, with 27.5% of the votes (-1.5% compared to 2018) , despite the jump recorded by Conner Rousseau’s Vooruit list (+13%). She finished second, with a score of 25.6%.

Vlaams Belang is third, with 19.5% (+2.4%). Followed by the CD&V (10.5%), Groen (8.6%), both in decline, then the PTB (4.8%) and the Liberals (3.5%).

Voice Champion

In terms of seats, the N-VA will therefore retain its 14 places in the municipal council (out of 42), the socialists will occupy 12. Despite second place on the list, Conner Rousseau is the champion in number of votes, with 6,741 preference vote, for 6,223 for Lieven Dehandschutter.

From Greeks ne sera pas bourgmestre

Vlaams Belang failed to win first place in Schoten in the province of Antwerp. The far-right party led by its president Tom Van Grieken still came in second place with 31.8% of the vote. The N-VA list led by outgoing mayor Maarten De Veuster fell by six points but remained in the lead with 37.7% of the votes.

The N-VA retains 14 of its 16 seats while Vlaams Belang doubles its number of seats, from 7 to 14. The CD&V plus, pushed by the outgoing Minister of the Interior, Annelies Verlinden, wins three seats, followed by Groen and Vooruit.


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