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Near , a square will bear the name of Samuel Paty: News

In tribute to Samuel Paty, a square in his name will be inaugurated in the town of on October 16, 2024, four years to the day after the assassination of the teacher by an Islamist terrorist, reveals Ouest-.

The town of Orvault, in the northwest of the metropolis, plans to make a strong gesture on Wednesday October 16, 2024. Four years to the day after the murder of Samuel Paty, the teacher killed leaving his college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (October 16, 2020), the town hall will inaugurate Place Samuel-Paty, indicates Ouest-France.

At the intersection of avenue de la Morlière and rue des Érables, in the Petit-Chantilly district, the commemorative plaque which should mark the square (which until now had no name) was presented during the week to the media: “Place Samuel-Paty – 1973-2020 – Professor of history and geography, victim of terrorism”. The place was not chosen at random: the square is located halfway between the Jean-Rostand college and the Nicolas-Appert high school and is crossed by many students on their way to school. Which makes it, for the municipality of Orvault, the place “most respectful of drama”. The town hall also specifies that this inauguration is carried out “in agreement with the family” by Samuel Paty.

A national tribute on October 14

Samuel Paty was beheaded as he left his college, in , by an Islamist terrorist who had learned that the history and geography teacher had, two days previously, presented to students during a lesson on freedom of expression of the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed from the newspaper Charlie Hebdo. If the teacher had warned the young Muslims that they could leave if they did not wish to attend this, a student – ​​who did not attend the class – had warned her father, who had sparked a scandal on social networks .

On October 14, the Ministry of National Education has also planned to establish a minute of silence in middle and high schools, in tribute to Samuel Paty but also Dominique Bernard, French teacher murdered on October 13, 2023 in , while trying to protect his students from a terrorist attacker with a knife.

published on October 12 at 11:00 p.m., Auguste Breton, 6Medias



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