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Minister Rachida Dati wants to reform the Culture Pass

The Minister of Culture Rachida Dati wants to fundamentally reform the Culture Pass. Its objective: to give more to modest young people and the middle classes, without…

Since its launch in 2019, the Culture Pass, a flagship measure of Macron’s five-year term, has been the subject of debate. If its principle is laudable – democratizing access to culture for young people aged 18 – its effects are mixed. The new Minister of Culture Rachida Dati has decided to take up the subject to fundamentally reform this system, with a clear objective: “correct inequalities of destiny”.

Give more to the poor and the middle classes

In a column published on the Le Monde website, Rachida Dati sets out her vision. Rather than offering the same amount to all young people, she wants to vary the amount based on income. The idea is to give more to young people from modest backgroundswithout neglecting the middle classes.

Without renouncing the universality of the system, we must further assume that the Culture Pass is intended to correct inequalities in destiny.

Rachida Dati, Minister of Culture

Encourage the diversification of cultural practices

Another problem highlighted by the minister: young people massively use the Culture Pass to buy cultural goods (books, comics, manga), but very little to go see shows. Only 1% of the budget is devoted to live shows! To remedy this, Rachida Dati wants reserve part of the envelope for reservations for concerts, plays, etc.

It will also be about better supporting young people in their choices, so that they discover new artistic forms towards which they would not have turned spontaneously. The challenge: making the Culture Pass a real tool of education and cultural opennessand not a simple “gift voucher” quickly spent.

Reduce the cost to public finances

With an annual budget of 210 million euros, the Culture Pass weighs heavily in the ministry’s accounts. In a context of budgetary constraints, it is essential to optimize this expenditure.

Rachida Dati therefore proposes reducing the amount paid directly to young people, in favor of collective actions such as school outings. What control costs while reinforcing the educational dimension of the Pass.

Conclusion: a necessary reform

With more than 3 million beneficiaries since its launch, the Culture Pass is undoubtedly a success. But for many, it partly misses its target by spraying all young people in the same way, without taking into account social and cultural inequalities. The reform announced by Rachida Dati goes in the right direction, that of a fairer and more educational system. It remains to be seen how these good intentions will be translated into reality. The next few months promise to be decisive for the future of the new version of the Culture Pass!


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